I offer a wide range of services from event photography, promotional videos, video production and video editing.
Based in Southampton, Hampshire. I'm available for work covering the UK, Europe and further afield.
I'm always looking for new and exciting brands to work with no matter the size of your company or your budget, get in touch and we'll work together to create some fantastic content.
Contact me to find out more about availability and pricing.
photography, videography, video, photo, image, photographer, Hampshire, Southampton, events, corporate, film crew, camera operator, camera man, cameraman, photographer, photo, video, videographer, video editor, corporate photographer, event photographer, camera crew, film crew,
freelance photo, freelance photographer, freelance editor, video editor, image editor,
C A M E R A O P E R A T O R + P H O T O G R A P H E R
Gabriels​ - Presented by KOKO & Montreux Jazz Festival Supported by Julius Baer
Director: Jack Kircher
DOP: Will Chamberlain
Camera operator: LukasJSmith
1st AC: Brent Clegg
Production Assistant: Ed Green
Booking coordinator: James Green
Show Photography: Calum Morrison
Audio Engineer: Steve Evans
Sound Assistant: Nicole Kliber
Audio props provided by: Gavin Dean
Cameras provided by: Genesis Hire
©KOKO Studios

All images captured for KOKO Studios - ©KOKO Studios